Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How did I prepare?

Today is the second day of the Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry. I headed out for home this afternoon. We will see how this goes! I have a medium size wetbag half full that I will be handwashing in the hotel sink tonight. I then will let them hang dry overnight. I want to then use the iron to finish drying them in the morning if they are still damp.

I didn't really prepare for this challenge as I normally would've, since I didn't decide until the last minute to participate. Since I was 1200 miles from home and forgot to bring my flats, I went to Walmart and bought 15 flour sack towels. I had my covers, pin, Snappi, and Boingo with me, since I was going to use prefolds my family already had. One of my sister-in-laws had some Charlie's Soap she was no longer using and gave it to me. I normally would use Eco Sprout.

You may wonder why I have three different fasteners. Well, depending on what fold I use, I have different prefernces for what fastener I use.

Jo fold: I use a Boingo or Snappi
Diaper Bag fold: I use a pin
Pad fold: I don't use a fastener.

For night time last night, I used two flats and did the pad fold. It worked great! I am also finding that the pad fold works best when we are traveling in the van. He lasts a little bit longer. I stop every 60-90 minutes anyways, as I am pregnant and need to stop that often to use the restroom.

So far, things hve been going great. I am planning on taking pictures tonight for washing. I will post tomorrow on how it goes.

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