Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cloth diapers do not mean big heineys!

Today is day six of the Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry. The challenge is almost over! Today is an open topic day. My topic today is on the question I get quite often: "Don't cloth diapers make their butts look big and you can't put them in clothes that fit?"

Cloth diapers can be bulky. Prefolds are especially bulky. Some pocket diapers are bulkier than others. A pocket diaper is a cloth diaper that has a waterproof outer layer and a liner of some sort on the inside, all sewn together. The back (or front or sides!) has an opening that you can stuff inserts into for absorbency. Most pockets go on and off just like a disposable diaper. Some are velco, also called hook and loop, and some are snaps.The more you stuff in the pocket, the bulkier the diaper gets.

One thing I learned doing this challenge last year, is that flats are TRIM! No, really, they are so trim! Granted, they are not going to be as trim as a disposable, but they are pretty darn close. They wash easier, whether by hand or in a washing machine, than any other type of cloth diaper too. I found that I do not get the ammonia build up or stink issues that can sometimes happen.

I posted this picture yesterday. See how trim that is?! His legs are not being pushed apart at all.

This is what happened when I said show me your heiney!!!

Almost a good heiney shot to show how trim!

And this is about as good as I was able to get...
So, you will just have to trust me! Flat diapers with a cover are very trim and I am able to have my son wear his regular size pants with them, so no having to buy the next size up.
All that being said, I personally love the big, poofy heiney, hence the name of my blog! I am very excited that summer is here in Oklahoma and I can just start coordinating shirts with diapers and not worry about pants!

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