Since I am diapering two full time, I decided to buy 3 dozen unbleached flats. I have a large rotation of covers, but I have decided to only use four Thirsties Duo Wraps and two Kawaii one-size covers for each of my boys. I also have 1 Snappi and 1 Boingo set for each boy. With my husbands help, we made a camp bucket for washing the diapers. Here is a tutorial on how to make one of your own, filmed by Kim over at Dirty Diaper Laundry. For my detergent, I am going to try Eco Sprout and Ecos. Eco Sprout is in powder form and Ecos is a liquid. I am starting to think that 3 dozen prefolds is more than enough... I think I could have gotten away with 2 dozen.
I am happy to announce that neither of my boys leaked last night! The extra flat, pad folded and put in the middle, seemed to do the job. I am impressed!
This morning, I chose to use the origami fold on both of my boys. I tried without a Snappi...
1 year old, 20 lbs
2.5 year old, 27 lbs
Then I went ahead and used a Snappi...
1 year old
2 year old
I added their covers and I am continually impressed by how trim fitting the flat fold diapers are!
2 year old lying down
2 year old front view standing
2 year old back view standing
1 year old lying down
1 year old front view sitting
1 year old side view sitting
The boys seem really happy in the flats. I was worried they would not like the feeling of being wet, since we usually use pockets and only use prefolds when I am behind on laundry. Judging by the looks on their faces, the flats are a hit!
I didn't want this post to be huge, so I will be be making a second post today about my first time hand washing diapers in the camp bucket!
I agree they really do seem to be very trim. Covers that used to be so tight on my daughter are much looser with flats.