My 1 year old
Today, I used Thirsties Duo Wraps in size 2 on both of my boys. I used the padfold and the kite fold with my 2.5 year old. For my 1 year old, I used the padfold and the origami fold. I did not wash any diapers today. I plan on using my camp bucket and washing the diapers and covers in the morning, then hang drying them outside.
So far, I am really liking the flat folds! They are working very well for both of my boys. I was bit worried about night time, as my 2.5 year old is quite the heavy wetter. To combat this, I used the diaper bag fold and then folded another flat in half, then in half again, and the basically rolled it to stuff in the front of the kite fold diaper. I did this for my 2.5 year old.
Then, I used the kite fold and put a second folded flat in the front of that for my 1 year old. It is a little bulky, as you can see in the pictures, but I am confident they will do the job.
I then added the covers and started praying that we can last the night without any leaks!
2.5 year old
1 year old
I just had to get a bum picture of my 1 year old!
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