Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A New Beginning

I have been cloth diapering for almost 11 years now. I started out with Gerber prefolds (ewww!), pull on plastic pants (double ewww!), and pins (not so eww since I sometimes still use them!). I have come a LONG way since those beginning days. I have learned a lot along the way, but I have discovered that I have a lot more to learn! Nowadays, I have a lot of people asking me about cloth diapering and I have even converted some people over to cloth diapering.

I decided it was time to start a blog dedicated to cloth diapering, since my family blog half the time is about cloth diapers!

My intent with this blog is to post diaper reviews (since I have a big enough stash for two homes and two kids!), reviews on accessories such as diaper sprayers, cloth diapering information such as wash/dry routines, and to post about the general addiction that is cloth diapering!

You can look forward to some cute pictures, some funny stories, and some experiences I have had, both good and bad.

Isaac, at 1yr old, sporting a Nicki's Best Bottom Diaper in Orange Sherbert

Here is a link to my favorite online retailer for buying my cloth diapers and cloth diaper accessories. Great customer service, fast shipping, and reasonable prices!

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